What is an anemone?

The anemone looks like a flower, but it is an animal and lives in the sea. The 'sprouts' are tentacles, and that is how the anemone catches her prey.
What is the real name of Nemo in 'Finding Nemo'?
There are 27 species. They are also called "clownfish" because of the white beams or stripes on their body.
How many teeth does the Spermwhale have?
You can count them yourself. Have a look at the skeleton at the entrance.
How many arms does an octopus have?
'Octo' means '8' in Latin: the language of the ancient Romans.
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What kind of fish can puff itself like a balloon?
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Pufferfish can swallow water or air and blow up to a ball shape. Thus they keep their enemies at large.
Do you know what an Iguana eats?
Iguans are 'herbivores'. This means that they are plant eaters. They eat foliage, vegetables, fruit and fresh raw vegetables.
Which is the fastest fish of the world?
The Sailfish can speed up to 65 mph.
Why do some fish have such bright colors?
It's a warning actually: 'Be careful, I'm toxic' or 'Don't pick me up, I sting'. Under the surface in the water the colors are much less bright though.
Who can spray ink?
Both the squid and octopus eject ink when they are at risk. They then disappear behind the ink cloud.
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